Executive Duties

Contacting Your Executive

In order to assist you in the best manner possible, please address your inquiry to the member of our Executive responsible for the matter of concern. The list of duties are below.

Executive and Committee Duties


Preside at all Regular, Executive and Annual General Meetings.
Supervise all other officers in the execution of their duties.
Appoint members to committees as required.
Day to day problems of teams as relating to S.V.I., Softball BC, etc.
Act as contact person as required with all levels of Government and also Juan de Fuca Parks and Recreation.
Help at registration as Public Relations person.
Attend S.V.I. meetings to carry one League vote.
Be available to any committee as required.
Apply and enforce all bylaws and rules of Langford Fastball, S.V.I. and Softball BC.

1st Vice President:

In conjunction with the President, be in charge of the day-to-day operation and problems as relating to the League.
Chairperson of Opening Ceremonies Committee.
Help at registration as Public Relations person.
Attend League game scheduling meeting.
Sit on Bingo Committee.
Attend S.V.I. meetings to carry one League vote.
In the case of the absence, removal, suspension or resignation of the President, shall act as President for the remainder of the current term of office.

2nd Vice President:

In conjunction with the President, be in charge of the day-to-day operation of Learn to Play Program.
Attend S.V.I. meetings to carry one League vote, if required.
In conjunction with Field Maintenance Committee, set up work crews to keep the facility in playing condition, as and when needed.
Be available to any committee as required.
Attend League meetings and help in running of Langford Fastball.


Shall be bonded.
Receive all revenues and deposit in League accounts.
Redeem all expenses and accounts payable directed by the Executive.
Keep accurate record of all receipts and disbursements.
Present financial statement at Annual General Meeting or as requested by the President.
Contact and supply staff to handle registration monies for all registration.
Attend League meetings and assist in the running of Langford Fastball.
Works with Concession Manager, Uniform Manager, Tournament Director and Registrar. 


Attend league and committee meetings at the request of the President.
Keep accurate records and minutes of all meetings, motions and discussion as deemed necessary by the President.
Produce and distribute correspondence as required
Notify all required persons of any meetings called by the Executive.
Attend suspension hearings as recorder.
Works with Sponsorship, Registrar, Volunteer Coordinator and Website.

Umpire in Chief:

Shall be responsible the training and administration of umpires.
Works with Umpire Allocator.

Director #1:

Be eligible to act on any committee and performs such other acts and duties as may be delegated by the President.
Generally assist the President.
Works with Player Development committee.
Learn to Play Level I and II Coordinator.

Director #2:

Be eligible to act on any committee and performs such other acts and duties as may be delegated by the President.
Generally assist the President.
Works with Public Relations, Criminal Records and Equipment Manager.
U10 Division Coordinator.

Director #3:

Be eligible to act on any committee and performs such other acts and duties as may be delegated by the President.
Generally assist the President.
Works with Batting Cage Allocator.
U12 Division Coordinator.

Director #4:

Be eligible to act on any committee and performs such other acts and duties as may be delegated by the President.
Generally assist the President.
Works with Field Maintenance.
U14 Division Coordinator.

Director #5:

Be eligible to act on any committee and performs such other acts and duties as may be delegated by the President.
Generally assist the President.
Helps with Field Allocator and Coaching Director.
U16 - U19 Division Coordinator.

Batting Cage: The Batting Cage Allocator will be responsible for scheduling the batting cage and reporting any maintenance that needs to be done on an ongoing basis. Reports to 3rd Director.

Coaching Director: shall be responsible for education and organization of coaches and teams. The Coaching Director shall receive all coaching applications and present them to a selected committee of executive member for final approval. The Coaching Director shall also be available to handle any conflicts to do with coaching staff. Reports to 5th Director.

Concession Manager: shall be responsible for control of all aspects of the concession and the administration of 50/50 sales and receipts. This will include training executive members to open and close concession and subsequently train the volunteers to operate the concession. This will also include the day to day ordering and stocking of the concession. Reports to Treasurer.

Criminal Records: The Criminal Records Check person will be responsible to collect all criminal records checks as they are completed by the coaches and executive. He/she shall keep all information confidential and will report to the President of any potential problems. Reports to 2nd Director.

Equipment Manager: shall be responsible for control and administration of all the equipment.This will include but not be limited to distributing equipment to coaches; receiving deposit cheques for said equipment; and ordering new equipment as required and agreed to by the executive. Reports to 2nd Director.

Field Allocator: The Field Allocator will be responsible for assigning practice fields; assigning fields and extra practices for Tuesday and Wednesday nights; and assigning fields for rescheduled games. Reports to 5th Director.

Field Maintenance: The Field Maintenance Manager shall be responsible for assessing any improvements that need to be done to the fields; organizing work parties as need be; be available on an ongoing basis to keep our fields in top shape. Reports to 4th Director.

Player Development: The Player Development person will be responsible for organizing winter gym clinics. This includes recruiting coaches and others to run the clinics. Reports to 1st Director.

Public Relations: The Public Relations person shall be responsible for putting ads in the local paper as needed; producing the newsletter and compiling the coaches package. Reports to 2nd Director.

Registrar: The Registrar shall oversee registration for the season. This entails being present for the main registration at the mall and being available for late registrations as required. This also includes distributing and receiving CASA forms from all teams and meeting with Softball BC rep to register all teams with Softball BC. Reports to Treasurer.

Scheduling: The Scheduler shall head up a committee to schedule the games for league play. Reports to President.

Sponsorship: The Sponsorship person shall be responsible for mailing out letters to local companies requesting sponsorships for the season; following up on the letters; ordering banners and ordering plaques. Reports to Secretary.

Tournament Directors: The Tournament Director will oversea all tournaments held in the park. This job entails a large time commitment and will involve coordinating with attending teams and other committees in the park. Reports to Treasurer.

Umpire Allocator: The Umpire Allocator shall be responsible for allocating games to umpires, making sure all games have the proper number of umpires and making sure umpires get paid. Reports to Umpire in Chief.

Uniform Manager: The Uniform Manager shall be responsible for handing out and collecting uniforms to teams; mending; ordering new uniform items as needed; overseeing ordering of other Langford clothing items. Reports to Treasurer.

Volunteer Coordinator: The Volunteer Coordinator shall be responsible for getting volunteers for Opening Ceremonies; phoning coaches to remind of concession and field maintenance times. Reports to Secretary.

Web Site Coordinator: The Web Site person shall be responsible for maintaining content on the website in a timely fashion. Reports to Secretary.

Upcoming Events

Jan. 23, 2025 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

U17/19 General Clinic
JDF indoor turf
General skills clinic open to all LMF players born in 2006-2009 - new players welcome!

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Jan. 26, 2025 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

U11 General Clinic
JDF indoor turf
U11 General Clinics for players born 2014 and 2015

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Jan. 26, 2025 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

U15 General Clinic
JDF indoor turf
General skills clinic open to all LMF players born 2010 and 2011 - new players welcome!

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